Monday, October 22, 2012

Enjoy Being a Kid While You Can!

Most kids have this " image" of adulthood; freedom, a credit card, and of course a drivers license. Along with those parts of the adult life consider the not so fun other parts.  These include paying bills, working forty hours (or more) a week, and endless responsibilities. If you ask me, I'd much rather be a kid while I can! Plus, you are going to have the rest of your life for these responsibilities.  If you live to be eighty years old, you can look forward to dozens of responsible years.  Just think about the limited amount of time that you have to enjoy the perks of childhood. Enjoy it if you can.  It will be over before you know it, and all you'll want is to have your youth back. The thing is, once its gone, its gone for good. There's no going back. Enjoy being young.

Does acting like an adult make you mature? No. What's really mature is having the guts to be yourself, and not care what anybody else thinks.  Many of the choices that we make to rush into adulthood are because of peer pressure.  We follow the crowd.  We are also influenced by the media which turns innocent little girls into inappropriate teenagers.  I still  love dolls, and I am not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. I have been told that I am too old for dolls, and dolls are for "babies". If I am happy playing with my dolls, then what's wrong with it? If my friends don't support, and accept my interests, then clearly they are not real friends. Don't change yourself for ANYBODY. If you like dolls, or stuffed animals, or whatever your interests are, that's o.k! You're not on this earth to prove anything to anyone.  You're here to be true to yourself, kind to others, respectful to your parents, and to be the best person you can possibly be.

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