First things first, almost every model you see in the published media is usually wearing globs of make-up, airbrushed, and perfected to look amazing,. If you do a search for "celebrities without make-up" you'll see what I mean.
Next, everyone is beautiful, in a special, individual way, That's what makes this world so amazing. What if everyone behaved the same, wore the same haircut, and even wore the same clothes? That wouldn't be much fun, would it?
Differences are what make you uniquely you. Embrace your differences and just be yourself. Don't worry what celebrities look like or what your friends look like. Your beauty comes from within and will shine if you wear your looks with pride and confidence. People can see confidence in your personality. Who are you more likely to introduce yourself to, the girl standing up tall, with a smile on her face, or the girl who is hunched over, looking at the ground?
Remember to always be confident, and to embrace your differences. You are beautiful.
Awh this is so sweet and true! I recently wrote a paper for my AP English Language class about society's affect on eating disorders, it's crazy how much we judge people. Everyone is beautiful in their own way <3 :D