Sunday, September 23, 2012

Top ten of the week: 9/23/12

Top ten study habits you need to know.

10. Schedule your study time. Set aside a specific time to study everyday, put it on your planner,and get into the habit of studying everyday at that time. When you plan your time, and write it down, your much more likely to get it done.

9. No distractions! It may seem like a good idea to study in front of the television, but an hour later, and you begin writing what the character says, on your homework. Believe me, it can happen. I speak from personal experience.

8. If you don't understand something, ask for help. Be honest. Tell the teacher you are not understanding. Chances are, they will be happy you asked them, and be more than willing to set aside some tutor time, or find you a tutor. As my parents have always said to me, " The dumbest question, is the one not asked. "

7. If you didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, chew a piece of peppermint gum. Peppermint is supposed to wake you up, and sharpen the mind. Peppermint can help with being sleepy, but the best solution is prevention. Get into a sleep routine that works for you, and stick to it.

6. Eat a healthy diet. Nobody can think, or feel their best with junk food inside them. Try to experiment with fruits and veggies to see which you like. Maybe you like strawberry-banana smoothies. You won't know until you try it!

5. Find a study buddy.  It's more fun to study with a friend.  That way, you can test each other while you strengthen your friendship. As your parents if it's O.K. to study after school or to invite your friend over for some after school studying.

4.  Take breaks and reward yourself - After studying for a set period of time, take a short break and reward yourself with one of your favorite, healthy snacks or activities.  Play with your pet, have a cold drink, IM with your friends for a few moments.

3.  Learn tricks to boost your memory - There are many websites that will help you to improve your ability to memorize.  Studying is mostly remembering facts, figures, dates, and relationships.  One cool place for some brain boosting exercises is  

2.  Don't stress out - Stress is one of the least helpful states of mind for successful studying.  Stress causes a chemical reaction that may actually block your brain from learning and absorbing information.  Use positive self talk to fight stress.  When you mind is playing games and that little voice in your head is saying, "You'll never pass this test", you need to fight back and tell yourself that "I will pass this test".  Even if you don't do as well as you had hoped, it's not the end of the world.  In many classes, the teacher will eliminate the lowest grade of the semester or make allowances when your work steadily improves.

1.  Do not procrastinate - It's human nature to wait until the last minute to get something done.  The problem is that something always comes up at the last minute that makes the studying impossible to accomplish.  You may think that you have a week before the test and plan to study later in the week.  What if there is a family emergency that requires you to be away from home later in the week?  Who know what might keep you from doing your studying later in the week.  You will feel better and be able to stay stress-free, knowing you started early and did not wait until the last minute.

Check back often for more posts! :D

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