Sunday, November 4, 2012

Judging Others

It's so easy to look at someone and judge them. But, before you say something that is going to disrespect someone else or hurt their feelings, stop and think very carefully about how you would feel if they were going to say something judgemental to you.  You never know what's going on in someone's life that causes them to look or act a certain way.  Nobody deserves to be judged or made fun of.  That girl who is wearing the dress that's three sizes too small may not have the money to buy new clothing.  Her parents may be out of work and they may be struggling to make ends meet.  Or, the quiet and shy person sitting in the back of the room may be suffering from a personal problem that you have no awareness of.  Everyone is different.  Every single person is a human being and deserves to be treated like one.  Looks are superficial and do not deserve to be made fun of by anybody.  How would you feel if someone made fun of your new glasses, or your braces?  What if someone made fun of your acne, weight, height, grades, clothing, or even your ethnic group or race?  Where does it stop?  Judging is not only disrespectful to others but it's disrespectful to yourself, making you no better than a common bully.  That is not who you want to be.  If you are being bullied, get help.  Trying to defend yourself on your own may not work.  If you've tried to cope and feel that you can't stop the bully, then speak to a grown up at home or at school.  Don't be embarassed to tell someone! 

1 comment:

  1. i agree. people are so quick to judge and label others, yet they know nothing about the people they're judging. great article
